Join Us

Become a Club Member

Visitors are always welcome. Anyone who is eighteen or older and who resides in Beaufort County, South Carolina for at least four months of the calendar year may become a member, provided that no more than ten percent of Club membership may reside south of the Broad River.

If you would like to become a member of the Club, please download and complete our membership application and send it with your dues ($25.00 for 2023) to the address indicated on the application.

Where We Play

Currently, members and friends of the Sea Islands Pickleball Club are playing on the courts at 

Depending on turnout and the weather, we play for two to three hours.

How to Find Your Level of Play

Schedule Time to Play

Play sessions are coordinated through the web site, PlayTime Scheduler with up to 16 players scheduled for each of the two locations.

Visit the PlayTime Scheduler web site, create an account, choose Beaufort as your home court and see available times for play. Sign up to secure a spot and be sure to cancel your reservation if you can't attend the scheduled time.